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self healing tools

Learn the art of administering the powerful, detoxifying Kambo medicine, derived from the Amazonian Giant Monkey Tree Frog, to bring its healing benefits to your community.

Shamanflora Rainforest Healing

Flora Baths What are Flora Baths? Floral baths, also known as flower baths, are therapeutic bathing practices that involve soaking in water infused with various flowers and botanicals from the…

Kambo Self-Healing Training - Shamanflora

Learn the art of administering the powerful, detoxifying Kambo medicine, derived from the Amazonian Giant Monkey Tree Frog, to bring its healing benefits to your community.

kambo medicine stick

Learn the art of administering the powerful, detoxifying Kambo medicine, derived from the Amazonian Giant Monkey Tree Frog, to bring its healing benefits to your community.

Integration Support We offer integration as complementary support to promote Ayahuasca and Master Plant’s success and longterm effects. We create an environment for spiritual healing and long-term progress. Integration During…

Sanango flower

Forge a lasting connection with the Amazon rainforest’s healing plants, guided by our knowledgeable healers, to integrate their wisdom into your daily life for profound personal and spiritual development.

Shamanflora Rainforest Healing

Learn the art of administering the powerful, detoxifying Kambo medicine, derived from the Amazonian Giant Monkey Tree Frog, to bring its healing benefits to your community.

Immerse yourself in transformative Ayahuasca ceremonies, led by our experienced shamans, to promote deep healing, self-discovery, and spiritual growth.